Friday, May 12, 2006


Well it would seem that a couple of "guilt trip emails" hit a few raw nerves and did the trick. Both E and I are still in shock, but, she has CANCELLED the party plans and is actually getting off her arse to come down to sunny Ft Worth to see ME instead! *Picks self up off the floor* Her and my FIL are taking E, me, C and J & K out to dinner. (Glad I ain't picking up the bill for that one!). So, that is the scoop on THAT fiasco!

The doggy door has been installed and if I may say so, looks great! Steve (the builder) did a really good job with it. I am most impressed. The poor little thing will be too tiny to push through it to start with, so will need some help. She will also need some bricks outside to help her get in and out. Bless. It's an infrared door which will be activated by a tag on her collar. That means the cats stay IN and all other unwanted critters stay OUT! Good job! LOL

Dog Door Inside 1
This is just beside our back door, behind the corner of the couch. Because of the style of our back door, we had to do it this way, or buy a new back door and that wasn't happening!

Dog Door Outside
This is the view from outside. The builder had to move the external outlet up to make way for the door.

Dog Door Inside 2
The door comes with an added security cover. This is so you don't have issues with a human squeezing through the door when you go away with the dog.
Got C's field day (sports day) this morning and my friend T is coming to get me soon, so will sign off for now. Have a great weekend all!


Blogger Mo said...

That door is just too cool.

Also, just thought of this after seeing the lamp by your couch. If you want to cover the cord Kirklands (and other places) sell those really cool cord covers. Some of them are just really beautiful and I'm thinking of getting one for my kitchen table light that hangs from the ceiling.

Anyways, glad your MIL has come around. I would shit myself if my MIL had done anything like what she's doing for you.

Have a great weekend!

12 May, 2006 09:43  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks hun: I am kind of proud of it to be honest! I cannot sing his praises enough! :-)

Apparently everyone but me could see it coming and in fairness, E warned me LONG before we got married what his parents were like. I figured he was over exaggerating! *doh*

13 May, 2006 18:55  

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