Saturday, January 14, 2006

Holy Sh-e-e-e-e-e-t

Still feeling a bit achy after Thursday's physio session, but I have been trying to do my exercises regardless of that as I just want to get back on track again.

Up at the butt-crack of dawn today (sorry about that Dawn) as we had craploads of stuff to get done. First port of call was a much needed Starbuck's Peppermint Mocha. Aaaaaaah, heaven in a cup! "Do you want whipped cream with that ma'am?" (does a bear sh*t in the woods?) So one for me and one for hubs, and we are on our way. The house has been sheet-rocked and you can see the photos of the house progress HERE. There are seven pages up now!

We pick up the kids and have an interesting conversation with P (their grandmother, TSS's mom). Apparently SHE is none too happy at having the kids dumped on her all week whilst TSS goes off flying here there and everywhere doing whatever! She told us her "friend" paid for the ticket. I asked if the friend also paid her loss of wages for the week she took off to go up there....umm, no! J has been really disrespectful to his grandma and she asked if WE could try talking to him as TSS is having no effect (no shock there then). Also, we discovered that TSS has been saying that we are going to take them away from their home to go live with us and J said he was mad at his dad. That is not a nice thing to come out of a 6yr old's mouth. We will be having words about that! Not only that, but the kids told me that the Easter bunny I got for J got GIVEN to a friend of TSS's!!! WTF does she think she is doing? That was a gift from us to him. What right does she have to do that? K said she tried to get it off of her, but she took it anyway. What a b*tch!

I did some market research today for the first time in weeks and got $54 for an hour's work. I also drove for the first time since the car wreck. It was a bit ouchy in my shoulders as E's car doesn't have power steering and it was hurting to turn the wheel.

I got a cute shirt for just under $9 at Walmart. It will be a nice one for when I finally get back to working. There was another one there I liked the look of too, but I had to draw the line at just the one as I WAS supposed to be getting food! ;-)

Anyway, I am going to go and do my physio "homework". Be good readers! ;-)


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