Sunday, January 22, 2006

The drama continues...

Tss was served Thurday night. I would loved to have been a fly on the wall when she was handed those! LMFAO. She called up here hissing and spitting about what kind of games we were playing. "Well hey, YOU TOLD US to take you to court, so we are!"

Physical Therapy was hard work on Friday. Melissa added some more exercises for my knee and back and I got the heat and ice treatment. Somehow ice on my knee isn't as bad as laying my back onto a huge slab of it! LOL She said that the spasms seem to have died down some since I started going, which is all good.

More dramas with the insurance company from hell. They tried to charge US for the tear down fee and the 17 days worth of storage over at Service King, something which THEY are liable for, not us! After many heated calls back and forth and more advice from the Texas Dept of Insurance, they backed down and paid it. Now hubs has been doing some research into what is legal and just business practice, and it would seem to be the case, that they are being extremely underhand and are NOT offering us a FAIR price for the car. We have to do some homework and will fight them tooth and nail over it if necessary. The funny thing is, that FULL settlement has to be released and payment in hand by the 60th day after the accident. Now that doesn't mean them sending us a check for what THEY feel is fair and walking away. It means we have to be happy with their offer and sign the release papers for them to have the vehicle. IF it goes over the 60 day mark, they have to apply for an extension and try to worm their way around the laws. It will only strengthen our complaint against them with the TDI, hehehe.

More work has been done on the house, you can check on that by clicking the link over there - - - >

Hubs at work today and I am trying to get sh*tloads done. My neck and shoulders are really aching today and I don't feel like doing anything! *sigh*


Blogger Mo said...

If I had a little more info I might be able to give you a little more direction about the whole deal. But also remember that if you are not satisfied with the service you are receiving from the other person's insurance company then you can contact your own company and have them handle the claim. You will be out your deductible (at first) but you're more than likely to get the money you want and fast. Then your company will go into subrogation with the other company and will get your deductible back.

I'm sorry you're having such a crappy time with this other company. I hate it when insurance companies pull the bullshit. It makes the rest of us look bad. Let me know if I can help. :o)

23 January, 2006 09:28  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks for the offer. The problem is that we don't have the medical coverage with our own, very reputable company as hubby has medical through work, so we assumed we didn't need to double up on the car policies as well. So yes, we could claim through our own company, but we'd lose out on the personal injury and medical stuff. The "cowboy company" have to do it all.

Strangely enough, my MIL works for a large insurance company in their regional office and has been helping guide us through this mess, as has another one of my readers. Everyone I have spoken to says that this company are not acting fairly nor in a timely matter. *shrugs*

Hubs and I are going to fight it out every step of the way. Most would have given up by now, but we can't afford to. I don't see why they should be allowed to treat folk like this and get away with it. They have pissed off the wrong person this time!

Thanks for stopping by! :)

23 January, 2006 11:45  

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