Thursday, October 27, 2005


Grrrr. There's me bitching about E falling asleep all the time and I was out like a light at 2005hrs last night! Am I pathetic or what? Or is there something wrong? I am taking lots of supplements and vitamins (in the hope that it will help in the possible event of me becoming pregnant), am eating a much healthier diet and will be starting an exercise regimine soon (I promise). I got 10hrs sleep last night and have been feeling sleepy all day. Maybe I need to hibernate like a squirrel or something *yawn*.

E has his class until 2230hrs tonight, so I won't see him until w-a-y past my bedtime. He will be trashed by the time he gets home anyway, so no chance of any tonight. Maybe in the morning!

Had a horrid letter come through the mail yesterday. Posty tried to deliver it but we weren't here. It left us nervous when it said it was from a law firm. What the firetruck** have we done now?! I collected it today and we were stressing about nothing. Just some legal BS to do with the accident E had back in Feb when his car got too friendly with the one in front.

Am I becoming a soup-a-holic? I have had soup every lunchtime so far this week and am craving some now. I have some hearty tomato or some South West style chicken by Progresso in the pantry and they are both fighting for my attention right now! I think I am going to bake some cheese biscuits and have some!! C is having mac n cheese, but I am sure she will have some soup too. If not, all the more for meeeeeee! *WEG*

Going to watch some stuff off tivo that E doesn't like. That way he cannot moan at me watching "our" stuff without him being here! Laters alligators!! :-)

**you can thank my friend Flutter for the term firetruck to replace the word f***. So, therefore, firetrucker, firetrucking, or for firetruck's sake etc can all follow the same path! Hehehe


Blogger LDR said...

Soup is good & good for you. I'll join the ranks with you... I'm either chowing down on soup or the standard Turkey & Provolone with tomato & sprouts...I'm a boring eater if I've no one to cook for.

27 October, 2005 19:57  
Blogger DenimRose said...

No soup today, my love has gone away...

Today was shrimp gumbo and the smell alone was enough to make me feel sick! I LOVE shrimp, but this smelt like they were three months' old mixed with old socks! LOL

28 October, 2005 17:36  

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