Monday, October 31, 2005

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everybody! Woo hoo!! It's text book Halloween spooky weather here right now as I write this: rain, thunder, lightening, you name it! I have errands to run and the last thing I want to do is go out in this yuckiness!

We carved up the pumpkins yesterday and made lots of mess (outside thankfully). Poor J struggled to do his and wouldn't even let K try to carve at all. I ended up finishing it for them. Still, they had fun which is the main thing. Here's some piccies:

J & K scooping out the pumpkin
J & K scooping out the pumpkin

C scooping out the pumpkin
C scooping out the pumpkin

C & Jcarving the pumpkins
C & J carving out the pumpkins

The finished results!
The finished results! C's is on the left and J & K's is on the right!

It's a pity TSS had to spoil things when she strolled over at 1915hrs to collect the kids! She TOLD E to take the bagged up pumpkin to her car as she couldn't carry it. He went to get his shoes on and before he could do or say anything, I'd picked it up thrust it into her hand and said "NO, YOU can carry this, it's not heavy! I think it's the least you can do seeing as I had to go get the damn things!" Boy, was I fired up. I was ready to smack her one. HOW DARE she talk to my husband like that?! Especially after the most she has been doing all weekend is partying when her kids have been crying for her.

Woke up in the night with the urge to throw up. I felt some vomit creeping into the back of my throat and raced to the bathroom. Nothing happened. I got the same thing two more times and then nothing until about 0400hrs. I still never threw up (which would have probably been for the best) but consistently felt rough and dizzy etc. I don't know what that was all about and I still feel shaky and such now. *sigh*

I wish this rain would stop as I have stuff to do. *sigh* Most frustrating. Bye for now.


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