Saturday, October 29, 2005

PMS Alert

Had a stressful couple of days. I am feeling VERY PMSy right now. The kids are being annoying and K has cried at almost everything we tried to give her to eat that was "not what she is used to". It makes me so mad. Those kids live on a diet of McDonald's, Pizzahut, macaroni 'n' cheese and candy. It's really frustrating. Example: yesterday morning, I gave them all Apple Jacks cereal (for my UK readers, that's like an apple flavored Cheerios with cinnamon. They are green and peach colored rings.) K started crying because she didn't like the milk. Well the milk had cinnamon in it from the cereal. She asked if we could get her "favorite" cereal....wait for it..."CINNAMON toast crunch". She then went on to contradict herself by saying she HATED cinnamon. *sigh* SO...
this morning, I gave them "Raisin CINNAMON bread" toasted. I failed to mention the cinnamon part. They ALL ate it without any complaints. I pulled her up on her dislike for cinnamon and she again said she hated it. I asked if she liked the toast she had and said she did. She was silent when I said that it had cinnamon in it! This child is so contrary (like her mother), it's scary.

The kids woke me up at 0500 this morning. The sounds of THREE kids opening and slamming doors at 0500 is NOT nice. Combine that with a PMSy woman, and you have a recipe for disaster. E was getting up anyway, so I pushed him out of bed to go yell at the kids. It went in one ear and out the other because an hour later, it started again! Me is not happy today. Grrrrr.

Yesterday, I took C to get her hair cut. It has been getting out of control lately. She's been having a hard time getting a brush through it and washing it etc. Where her bangs (fringe) has been growing out, it looked messy. So, I got her a "Rachel Cut". For those who haven't watched Friends, Jennifer Aniston had her hair in this pretty style where the sides at the front were graduated (feathered almost). Anyhoo, here is before:

The very straggley Miss C

The new Miss C
Miss C after with her new cut and a few blonde highlights

The new Miss C 2
Miss C with the chunk of hair we cut off!

Today, we're going to carve some pumpkins. I will post the results of those tomorrow (or later if I can be assed!) TTFN


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