Saturday, October 08, 2005

Wanna play house? Not really....

Went to see the mortgage guy this morning. He seems confident that we can get this worked out. We will know by Tuesday.

Had another bad day today. Was going through my photos and found a box with some of Ruby's old things in it. I found two of her puppy harnesses, dog tags, leash and her tooth and I just burst into floods of tears. I soooo wanted to scrapbook today and start off her own section. I bought papers, fibers, doodads, ribbons and cardstock. The first two pages of the layout will be in brown and denim blue. When I can go for more than five mintues without sniffling and crying that is. *sniff*

Feel like crap. E's kids are here and I just wanna be left alone. It's not their fault I feel like crap, but right now, I am so down. I'm no use to man nor beast today. Maybe tomorrow will be better....


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