Friday, October 07, 2005


Did one manicure and some pretty nail art on my colleague's, niece's (CLEAN) toes for her prom tomorrow night. Whilst doing her toesies, she described the HORRIBLE service she got at the Vietnamese nail salon in Saginaw earlier today with her set of tips with acrylic overlays). I would love to have been accurate in telling her "I told you so", but as I didn't get the chance to forewarn her, it wouldn't have worked too well! The nails were too long, despite her constantly telling her that she needed them to be workable and shorter. They also had extremely sharp corners on ONE side of every nail only (the others were rounded off corners the way I would do them), some were much thicker than others and some were paper thin and looked very fragile, they had visible air bubbles in the acrylic and she CUT her when filing them (BIG no no which CAN lead to an infection, but almost definitely to a very sore finger especially when trying to bathe/shower and wash hair etc.) SO, me being me, I offered to try and make them look a bit more presentable for her. I am not allowed to do acrylics at work due to lack of ventilation and such, but a quick file down and tidy up didn't hurt, nor create too much dust. So I did it and I didn't charge her for it either. I figured I may win some loyalty from her and she WAS really pleased with the pretty little artwork I did for her (and the polish was the PERFECT match for her gorgeous dress!) She tipped me $7 so must have liked it!! Made me feel kind of good as my last client of the day.

Drove to Grand Prairie to get E with the roof down. It was a chilly 56F/13.3C this morning ( a far cry from the 75F/23.8C of two days ago!) and it warmed up slightly after some morning rain to around 73F/22.8C this afternoon. It was breezy and cool, but very refreshing!

Been reminiscing a lot about Ruby this evening. We went to PetsMart for some kitty litter and I saw the cutest stuff for dogs and Halloween. I so badly want another Staffie, it hurts. *sniff* I had a cry this evening as I remembered our walks to the woods....

I would let C run off whilst I held Ruby back on the leash. I would then take off the leash and tell her to go get C. She would run at break-neck speed to find her best buddy and lick her all over when she caught up.

Or, we would hide behind a bush whilst she was rummaging around in the grass and then call her. We would peer through the leaves of the bush as she looked frantically around for us. She would then suss out where we were and come bounding over chasing us around the bush!

Then there was the time she has found a dessicated frog. I think it'd been cut by the lawn guys with their mover and had dried out in the summer sun. Ruby found it and would run around with it in her mouth! All you could see were its legs sticking out of the side of her mouth! That is probably one of the funniest memories of my furbaby!

The other one I remember most vividly is this: we had been out shopping and came home to find a hole in the plasterboard (sheet rock) wall of my kitchen (where we attempted to enclose her as a juvenile). She has gnawed a hole in it big enough to put your fingers into. I scolded her and she looked at me (with white powder all round her nose and muzzle like she'd been snorting some illegal substance) as if to say "It wasn't me mum". Bless her heart. I think I need to post my favorite picture ever of her. This is the wallpaper on my cellphone (she was 8 weeks old here and asleep on my shoe)

I have made myself a promise to get another pup once we get our house. Whether she be the very expensive blue (lavender/grey color), or maybe a less expensive and more common coloring such as brindle or black and white, she will be loved unconditionally. I will not get another red Staffie as I may spend way too long making comparisons to Ruby and her memory.

Moving on...We watched CSI and ER on Tivo from last night and then I watched NY-LON which was a series that started in the UK last August and finished after we left. BBC America finally got it and I've caught it at around about the time I finished off with it, so pretty good timing. It's about a transatlantic relationship between a London guy and a New York chick. If you haven't seen it, then try it out: you may be pleasantly surprised.

Hubs is asleep on the couch (again) and I am here typing this. I feel all bunged up. Not sure if it's from catching his cold or from my crying earlier. Feels ick though.

Got the kids this weekend, but not before we go and sign the mortgage papers for the house. HOPEFULLY, it will all go through ok. The guy E has been speaking to has spoken to the underwriters and it shouldn't be a problem. I'm trying not to get excited in case it falls through.*takes deep breaths* out.....p-h-e-w.

Anyway, I am going to do a little blog hopping then dragging my sexy wexy hubby to beddy byes. Night all.


Blogger LDR said...

Awww... what a cute photo! They get big so fast, don't they?

Good luck on the mortgage... though I'm sure it'll come around without a hitch!

08 October, 2005 10:56  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Yeah, just as she got be fully grown, she died *sniff*

Thanks K, I hope so. I don't want another disaster movie waiting to be cast like last time. *sigh*

08 October, 2005 16:31  

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