Thursday, October 06, 2005

More shrimp anyone?

I had one appointment today at 0830, then nothing for the rest of the day. So I cross-stitched some, Game-Boyed some and then airbrushed my own finger and toenails. I'm not that impressed with it (but never am to be honest). I think I spend so long messing about with it, that by the time I am done, I am bored with it already! LOL Oh well. Anyhoo, it's kind of a caramel brown with a coppery gold French design that is like a plain tree leaf. I then did some gold glitter stripes and a green rhinestone (peridot kind of green). It's ok I guess.

E took us to Red Lobster for dinner tonight and I had the "Shrimp Lovers Combo". Those of you who don't know about Red Lobster: it's a restaurant that mainly does seafood. They do have some non-fishy meals, but as the name suggests, it's mainly seafood. The shrimp lovers' combo lets you choose from a variety of shrimp done in different ways. I LOVE coconut shrimp! It's a recent taste acquisition for me as I have never liked shrimp (prawns for my British chums) served hot. I always preferred them in a nice prawn cocktail! Anyhoo, after doing some market research for a new Lean Cuisine dish they are thinking of bringing out, it has widen my taste buds to include this yummy dish. Well my SLC goes like this: two portions of coconut shrimp bites (this means I don't have to pull off any icky legs, shells, or tails), a loaded baked potato and a house salad with thousand island dressing and loads of their scrummy cheese biscuits (that's not a biscuit really fellow Brits, it's kind of like a savory scone and in this case a very warm, salted, herby, cheesy one that has 9gms of saturated fat in each one LOL). Anyhoo, that was washed down with two glasses of Raspberry Lemonade (now this is really gonna get confusing for ya: Lemonade here is like the old fashioned style lemonade - non-fizzy and made with real lemon juice. I love it). If you want "British Lemonade", then you have to get Sprite or Seven Up as it's about the closest you're gonna find here! LOL

I digress: a nice meal that temporarily took my mind off things. I don't think E has remembered what today is despite me telling him two days ago. I think he thinks I am getting soppy over "just a dog" like most non-doggy people do.

Gonna go watch Survivor off Tivo now. Later alligator!


Blogger LDR said...

A friend & his wife are moving to a new city. Wife suggested that he "get rid" of his dog. When he told me that, I asked him if he asked his wife if they should also get rid of the children. He laughed... said that the subject will never come up again. Get rid of the dog?! Never. It's bad enough that when we bring them home as puppies that we know 10-12 years down the line (if we're fortunate) they're going to break our hearts anyway.

Red Lobster huh? It's not good here (meaning an hour and a half away in Tri Cities)... in fact, more on the icky side and too expensive. If you want good seafood here, you have to go to the Beach... which by the way, I haven't been there in AGES... maybe it's time for a group outing.

07 October, 2005 09:49  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Well our closest Red Lobster is about 5 mins away in the car. Dare I say a long-ish walk if ya like the shoulder of the state highways LOL The food and service are almost always excellent. Never had a problem with the food, just one chick was really slow and in-attentive (if that's a word) so I only tipped her $1.50 for the $38.50 bill.

Been thinking about my doggy even more today than yesterday. *sniffle*

Thanks for visiting with me hun.

07 October, 2005 17:15  

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