Friday, September 30, 2005

TFI Friday!

I am sooooooooooo glad it's Friday! Honestly, you wouldn't believe how much! I had ZERO clients today and the most fun I had was painting my OWN finger and toenails in pretty cream, pale pink and chocolate brown squares separated by gold glitter stripes. Maybe I will post a picture when I can be arsed to take one LOL

E's ex (TSS) is under investigation by Child Protection Services apparently. They dragged her out of work today and also dragged J from school. Something fishy going on there methinks. CPS don't get involved unless they have serious reason to believe the kids are at risk. Kinda worrying. She was very cagey when talking to E and was apparently none too happy. She probably thinks WE have got something to do with her failings in life (AGAIN). Ya know, NOTHING is ever HER fault, it's always someone else's. *sigh*

Watched some British stuff off the pc tonight (Bad Girls and Coronation Street) and poor hubs crashed out at 2015 dead to the world. Thought I'd grab the chance to blog quickly.

Not got much else to say really. Still waiting to hear about the mortgage. *bigger sigh*

Gonna go and do the rest of my blog hopping before bed. See ya.


Blogger LDR said...

wow... does that mean you made it through an entire week with no old man feet?! I gave myself a "naked" manicure this week - no polish on the fingernails. (Can't stand the polish on the nails, I pick it all off cuz it makes my fingers itch).

Realized yesterday that a trip to Vegas = 1/3 the price of new windows for my house, so may not go to Vegas since I only need 2/3 more and I'll have new windows... then my heating bill will go down and I can afford to go next year. (I am *way* too responsible).

So, what'cha gettin E for his birthday?

01 October, 2005 08:52  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Nope only hubby's and I can cope with them!

Makes sense, but yes, you're far too sensible!

Oh he wants this yoke thingy so he can "really" fly the flight simulator game he is into. Somehow the keyboard isn't the same! It's not a surprise really as that's what he's asked for. The surprise will be whether I can scrape together the cash from my tips to get it for him LOL

01 October, 2005 20:10  

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