Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Another day nearer death....

Had one (new) client today and the news of a possible new one at some point soon. Other than that, today was pretty non-eventful. I have a possible 2 maybe 3 clients tomorrow.

E has been told that his 90 day trial has been extended another two weeks. Just when we thought we would be "safe" and FINALLY get some medical coverage, they pull that BS on him. There are a few issues he needs to work on apparently. That is just SO wrong. We really need that medical coverage and I thought once he hit the 90day mark it was a done deal

Got a "field trip" tomorrow as part of E's Master Class. We're going to DFW airport to have a mooch round the International Terminal and then to visit the American Airlines Operations Center. I'm really looking forward to it as it will bring back fond memories of being a dispatcher back in Luton, UK. More on that tomorrow!

Watched Prison Break & Super Nanny on Tivo tonight, then two episodes of Coronation Street on tv via the pc.

E is fast asleep on the couch and has been since 2045. *sigh* I'm bored....don't wanna go bed yet, dunno what to write about. BORED, BORED, BORED. Somebody leave me a nice comment....PWEASE?


Blogger LDR said...

Hey, think on the bright side: you didn't have to massage lotion into a geriatric gentlman's feet (why is it that I think of Montgomery Burns from The Simpsons every time I get that visual ) eeew!

Not having health coverage sucks, big time. I know, I've not had any for almost three years. Am hoping that by getting rid of the truck and lowering payments I can afford to get health insurance. It's either that or get a "real" job (read - indentured servitude).

I did no work today. Um, no, maybe I did... no... I didn't. No work at all today. Tomorrow doesn't look promising either. I'm going to test drive cars, Costco, lunch and maybe a bit of shopping while I'm in the Tri-Cities (hour and a half away - the closest "City") over in Washington. I'm taking MM with me, so we'll make a girls day out of it and likely I will waste all the productivity I could have had.

04 October, 2005 21:57  

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