Monday, September 26, 2005

Blue Monday

Today is actually one of my days off and I normally get to lie in, but my head is just spinning. The brown stuff has hit the fan in more ways than one. Sorry too personal to discuss here...

Trying desperately to keep a straight head here (I am so angry); onto what else has been happening around here:

We drove over to Ft Worth yesterday to take a look at the house again. We figured out where the kitty litter tray could go and where we could install a doggy door for our future furbaby (Staffie of course guys). Apart from the doggy door, the guy wasn't too keen to do any other customization. I don't know if he realized that we were willing to PAY for it or expected it for free. *shrugs* I like the house a lot, but am really scared of getting in too deep like last time and then having to walk away again. I don't think I could bear it. *sniff* I keep telling him: "Let's wait and see if they pre-approve us for the mortgage first!" But it falls on deaf ears. *sigh*

We watched some more Bad Lads' Army last night and then the opening episode to the 7th series of Bad Girls that recently played in the UK. That brought back some memories for sure! Gotta love it! *grins*

Went to bed not long after 2100 as Mr Sleepy Head was dozing off on the couch. I couldn't sleep and had a very restless night (I guess another reason why I got up so early today). Hopefully, my head will feel a bit better after this mess has been dealt with. I'm getting one of my migraines *sigh*

I am going to try and get some stuff done for my website and I MAY even get to scrapbook today....over and out


Blogger LDR said...

You've learned your lesson the first time, right?! So, now that you know what you know... you should be okay. Go with your gut, but watch the figures on paper too... things'll be okay, it'll all work out... it always does!

In my humble opinion, anyone who does a pedicure on 90 year old man-feet deserves to live in a frickin palace! Eeeewwww... 90 year old toe cheese... how gross is that?!

And... DONT EVER... EVER... threaten me with sucking oldman toes again, I'm still recovering from the dry heaves... that was just wrong on so many different levels... will you ever understand how totally wrong that visual was?! I'm scarred for life... and it's all your fault!

Glad to hear ya'll fared well through Rita.

26 September, 2005 18:46  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Yeah, that's why I am so cautious!!

Sorry for the visuals, I just couldn't resist! I know how much you just lurve feet (especially old men's). Tee hee.

Thanks for popping by hun.

27 September, 2005 04:07  

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