Wednesday, October 12, 2005

A bad night....

Had a bad night last night with hubs. Saw an email from his mother and it started a fight between us. She has this knack of getting on my last nerve and it works every time. Apparently although SHE was the instigator in writing a very nasty 3 page email to my husband about me back in April, I am the one who needs to make amends!! Well EXCUSE me, but I don't think so!! His dad is just as bad and has threatened to cut E off if this mess isn't worked out by Thanksgiving. Sorry but I cannot be nice to two people that think such bad things about me. I am not two-faced. It will end in a fight if I go there, so best to just avoid the issue. I'm happier without them in my life to be honest. Her overbearing ways and constant need to push us about in our very important life decisions (that we need to make for OURSELVES) is ongoing (even though I am not on speaking terms with her). She is still trying to manipulate us even now after everything that has been said, she has learnt NOTHING. She cannot be happy for us that we have found a house that WE want and that WE like. She has been looking at houses FOR US online and says we could get one of those. WHY WON'T SHE JUST BUTT OUT FOR ONCE?! We are NOT kids, we are grown adults and she needs to wake up to that fact!


Blogger LDR said...

Some parents aren't happy unless they're running our lives for us. Thankfully, mine aren't like that. I'd put them in time-out and ground them if they were :)

12 October, 2005 08:56  

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