Tuesday, October 11, 2005

We're off to see the Wizard...

This year will be a little different for Halloween: I am taking all three kids to Ft Worth Zoo for their "Boo in the Zoo" deal on October 22nd. They get to dress up in their costumes and do some spooky (and safe) trick or treat stuff and more!

Also, we will take C trick or treating around the complex on Halloween itself for a couple of hours, then drop her off at daycare for their party there. We will then go to see "Saw 2" for OUR Halloween scary deal!! ;-)

Her character will be Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz! I've already got the costume winging its way here from Ebay. You can see it HERE and I will take her out after school to get her shoes. You can see those HERE. Her hair is just PERFECT already for Judy Garland, and my parents even commented on her last year's Xmas photo looking like her! LOL

It's R's birthday today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY matey!!!! *mwah*

I've been feeling ill since yesterday. I started getting a migraine towards the end of the State Fair and by the time I sat down to eat dinner, I felt physically sick. After forcing myself to eat, I DID actually feel somewhat better and the migraine subsided. However, I woke up at 0130 this morning with bad stomach cramps and the overwhelming desire to throw up. I got a big bowl from the kitchen and sat on the toilet expecting eruptions at both ends. Sorry if that sounds gross guys, but I felt dog rough. Without being TOO graphic, I think I shed a couple of pounds during the night, but thankfully wasn't sick in the end. I took some Immodium this morning, but feel very fragile right now. I don't know if it's something I had to eat yesterday or a bug. Nobody else is sick, so maybe it's just me. I don't often get sick like this - the last time was New Year's Eve 2003 when I had food poisoning from a dodgy prawn (shrimp) mayonnaise sandwich from a well known Bakery chain back in the UK...Instead of seeing the New Year in with style, I was ill in bed :-(

I took Courts to school this morning as I am off work all week except for one client tomorrow morning. The barber is off on vacation and only one of "our" customers wanted to come see me without getting a haircut too. Oh well. I just hope I feel better tomorrow.

We should find out about whether our mortgage will be approved or not tonight. *fingers crossed* I know E didn't sleep well worrying about it. I'm trying not to get too excited in case it doesn't happen. That way the come down won't be too bad to cope with.

Tabitha our cute fuzzy kitten is in heat *groan*. She is rubbing around anything living or otherwise doing a half purr, half meow thing and when you stroke her back, she presents her "bits" to you. How pleasant!! Right now, we don't have the spare cash to get her spayed, so we will just have to put up with it. At least she's an indoor girl so cannot get preggers!


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