Monday, October 10, 2005

A Texas State Affair

Spoke to my best mates from the UK R and L today *waves* on yahpoo messenger. Both seem to be doing ok which is good. R is still planning on coming over, so that's all good.

Went to the State Fair with C today. Same crap as last year only not so hot and sticky. We ate the famous deep fried Oreo cookies and C had a deep fried Snickers bar which she let me try...OMG! It took us ages to get there as the traffic was bumper to bumper. I don't like the drive there or back as a passenger, and have never "done Dallas" on my own. It was scary, but I lived to drive another day! SIX lane freeway coming back in rush hour is NOT my idea of fun, seriously! Having said that, it took less time to get home than it did to get there!

Made some more of Paula Deen's Chocolate Bundles tonight but added some raspberries inside too. I didn't think you could improve on the recipe, but this made them better than ever!! LOL I'm figuring that the amount of walking about I did to the fair from the parking lot, all round the fair and then the hike back to the car again made up for the naughty food I munched today! ;-)

Watched Footballer's Wives just now with hubs and am going back for some soaps now I think. TTFN.


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