Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Mothers' Day and more

Mothers' Day was nice. E made me one of my favorite breakfasts: poached eggs on toast! C had made me a card at school with coupons inside that can be "cashed in" for chores and housework etc. How cute. She also made me a flower and got me a store bought card too! And a cute gift basket from Bath & Body Works.

Gift Bag
This was the beautiful gift bag my present came in! I feel a scrapbook page theme coming LOL

And my lovely basket with Peony scented goodies in it!
For lunch, E took us to Chili's. I had the Grilled Shrimp Alfredo with Texas Toast *slurp*. All washed down with Strawberry Lemonade. Mmm...mmm...mmm...mmm...mmmmmmm.

After that huge lunch, we crashed on the sofa. I (like the sad old git that I am) knitted and watched my soaps. E, fell asleep. No change there then!

I finally got a blog for Lily! I had no clue until I joined a dog forum that Dogster even existed. It's like a MySpace for dogs! I just had to get one for her! LOL You can check her's out HERE.

I finally got the dog door figured out and it works a treat! Lets the dog in and out and keeps the cats IN! Hurrah! I don't know how she will take to the big tag hanging off her collar though...speaking of collars, this is the one I bought her the other day at Walmart. It was too cute not to!

Lily 1st collar
Is that cute or what?!

Ok, I have to go eat lunch and try to find a particular cake mix for my birthday cake tomorrow. We've not been able to find it so far. *sigh* Bye for now


Blogger Jen said...

That is too cute! I'm new around here and love to scrapbook! I just recently created my own blog. Hope you can check it out sometime!

16 May, 2006 17:43  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks JenJer! :-)

17 May, 2006 05:23  
Blogger Mo said...

I would love to be able to buy our Miss D a collar like that. Unfortunately, she's quite a large dog and they don't make really cute ones for a dog her size.

However, hubs did buy her a University of Texas collar. For $12! I love the 'horns and all, but it was such a waste!

17 May, 2006 09:34  

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