Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Back to work

First day back to work after a week off. Weighed in 3lbs lighter. I guess there is something to be said for NOT having a free lunch at work (WITH dessert). SO, today, I opted for soup, some bread and some canned fruit for dessert. The pies looked longingly at me to sample them, but I ignored there cries of "Eat me!"

Had my $10 tipper today and a walk in too. Not an uneventful day I guess.

Hubs is being given the runaround at work and that pisses me off BIG time. His 90 day trial got extended 2 weeks and now his supervisor is being a prize A-HOLE and telling him he has an appointment with HR on Friday and to bring a box. Earlier he was being asked if he could work Sunday as overtime. STOP WITH THE F****** MIND GAMES!! More on that tomorrow. I got a date with a hot guy...yeppers, hubs is on a promise! Hehehee


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