Monday, October 17, 2005

She passes, she scores!

Yesterday was a fun day in the end:

E worked until just before noon and then came home for some lunch. Left over Red Lobster from the night before washed down with some Progresso South Western Chicken Soup. Mm-mm-mm.

Later in the afternoon, about 2pm, wew drove to Justin, TX to visit with an old school friend of E's who happened to be in town from N Carolina. His parents have just built a new house over in Justin, so we got an invite for dinner. It was the first time I'd met them all, and we got on like a house on fire. C was automatically made honorary grand daughter by Ron's wife Susie and we were told flat outright that if we EVER need a baby sitter for the night or weekend, we only have to call them! We had grilled chicken, rice, stir fry veggies and apple and pineapple cobbler. Man it was good. We also tried out some Pumpkin Ale. It was strong stuff, but real nice! We headed on out of there at about 7.45pm and made a promise that we would be regular visitors in future!

Tried to get a somewhat early night as today I had my......DRIVING TEST!

I got up at a little after 0400hrs. Took my shower, poked my eyes out (put my lenses in),put on some warpaint so as not to look too scary for my photo and TRIED to eat some waffles. I ate one but couldn't deal with the second one - my stomach was churning.

At 0535hrs, I pulled up outside the Texas Dept of Public Safety office to find that I was the ONLY person there. Not another soul arrived until 0600hrs. By the time they let us in at 0750hrs, there WAS a line just like she told me there was. Good job I turned up when I did, because only the first 4-5 people were given test appointments. The rest were told to come back tomorrow!! Yikes!

Well, I passed with flying colors despite the fact that my heart was pounding the whole time and I made a couple of silly slip ups. NERVES dammit! They get the better of me every time!! My new Texas license should be here in 3-4weeks time. What a HUGE weight off my mind!!

Anyhoo, I have to drive to Irving now to take back our TIVO box to Comcast. I am NOT happy:

Tivo crashed. Not only do we not know what is ON the tv, but it wiped out ALL of our saved programming and movies!! LUCKILY, we'd watched our "regular" viewing stuff, but even so. That box is only SIX months old! GRR GRR and GRR again!

I also have to go to the bank and the UPS store to mail back a book for E. Don't ya just love being the one having a day off and you get stuck running all the damn errands?!

Bye for now!!


Blogger LDR said...

Congrats on the license! I don't have TIVO, so I can't empathize with your drastic tv loss -- though my friend does have it & I love it, so I can understand how I'd be ticked if I lost an entire season of some show I hadn't gotten all the way through yet...

19 October, 2005 20:13  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Thanks hun. Gawd, I could not live with Tivo now I have had it for 8months. It has made our VCR redundant! Luckily, we only lost some stuff we wouldn't have minded watching ya know? All our regular shows had been watched already. It's a pain having to reset everything too, but what can ya do? Thanks for the visit anyhoo.

20 October, 2005 14:57  

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