Friday, October 14, 2005

Yay me!

Having been trying to build up the courage (and ignore my pride) for the past year, I have finally gotten off my ass and taken the first step in getting my Texas Driving License. I would have gone earlier in the week, but so much BS was going on, that I was in no fit state to do anything or see anyone.

Well, I did the written portion today and filled out all the forms. I passed. The grade wasn't as good as I had hoped for, but a pass is a pass. The ones I failed on were not on signs, stopping distances or how to drive in certain incidents, but on crappy things like:

What is the maximum fine a person under 21 with ANY amount of alcohol in their bloodstream can be fined? $500, $1000, $1500, $200 (or whatever)

At what amount of claim, does public liability come into force? $25, $1000, $50, $100 (or near as damn it)

What can cause your license to be revoked? One minor accident, one serious accident, one near miss, two near misses (or some BS like that)

Now ask me the stopping distance in dry conditions for a car (with good brakes) at 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 or 70 miles an hour and I know them all by heart!! Good job too, as I got asked TWO stopping distance questions LOL Or ask me what this, that or the other sign means and I know them all. Or you can even ask me when it is safe to return to your lane after overtaking. But don't ask stupid BS that doesn't prove whether I can drive or not!

Anyhoo, I passed. Now to the driving test on Monday:

I have to BE there at 0530hrs. The place doesn't even OPEN until 0800hrs and they don't start the testing until 0830hrs. A test that takes 15mins. I think I can do this. My UK test took about 45-60mins. Of course now in the UK you have to do a written test as well as the practical and they FINALLY added parallel parking which freaked me out for YEARS after I passed. I was never "trained up" in the fine art of PP, and never tested (obviously), so it became a phobia. If I could drive into the space, I wouldn't park there! Now there's now stopping me. I can get in and out of the tightest spaces and prefer reversing into a space at a parking lot so I don't have to deal with the horrible blindspots from the soft-top roof on my convertible when coming back out again! (Plus I always seem to get some huge ass SUV or truck park up on BOTH sides so I can't see FA anyhow!) LOL

One milestone down, two more to go...


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