Sunday, September 25, 2005

Bye bye Rita!

Hurricane Rita didn't affect us too badly. We got zero inches of rain and a few leaves off the trees. That was IT. So much for it being real windy and us having to take everything inside that might blow away! I shouldn't complain. We had no flooding, no loss of power and most importantly, no loss of life. I hope everyone else survived it ok elsewhere.

My stepdaughter K threw up last night, all over the dinner table and then on the carpeted floor on the way to the bathroom. I called her mom to let her know and what she wanted to do about it and she made a HUGE point of saying she was nowhere near home and couldn't come get her. She was most likely too busy getting laid to care. She makes me so mad! If I was out and whoever was minding C rang to say she'd been sick, I would drop my plans and go get her, but not TSS, oh no. It's her weekend off from being a mom, I forgot.

E is at work today trying to get some overtime in for the house fund. The only down side is that I have to watch three kids instead of just the usual one. I have no clue what time she's picking them up and he neglected to ask her when he called her back last night. *sigh*

I want to try and get some scrapbooking done today, but I don't know if I will get the chance to do so un-interrupted. After doing the make n take yesterday, it has made me want to do some more today. I really need to get to Walmart to print off some more photos.

The temperature has cooled off somewhat with what little wind we did get yesterday and is a mild 82F/27.8C today. I don't really feel like doing too much other than attempting some scrapbooking and maybe bum in front of the TV for a bit. We watched some downloaded British stuff last night: Bad Lads' Army (Office Class). Too funny. LOL We used to like watching that show when we were back in the UK, so it was a nice reminder.

I'm going to go now and see what's going on in the world. TTFN.


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