Friday, September 23, 2005

Whether the weather be hot...

It was 98F today and breezier than normal. The news is full of Hurricane Rita and we're not sure how bad it will affect us until it hits or gets closer. There's talk of high winds still (up to 75mph) and rainfall of anything from 3inches to 10. So take your pick! Walmart's shelves have been cleared of coffee, most tinned stuff and bottled water. We are some 280miles from Houston, so I think there may be a slight over-reaction there! Oh well, I guess time will tell.

Did three manicures today and only one of them tipped me. One is a new guy who didn't tip the barber either and the other one is an ok kind of guy, but is not the cleanest of people. You don't want to see the filth that I scrape out from beneath his nails. (You shuddering K? LMAO). And for that, I don't EVER get a damn tip! Kinda pees me off to be honest, but I guess I should be grateful that I have clients; tippers or not.

I have my stepkids coming over tomorrow and am not sure what we'll do with them due to the storm coming. They get bored as it is, so who knows. Can't go to the pool as it may rain us out, can't really go anywhere as it may be too windy on the roads and stuff. *sigh* Maybe I will just tie them all up and cage them (JOKING). I'm making them some black cherry jello with mixed fruit in. J liked that when he came last time (K was sick and didn't get to eat it).

Talking of making stuff, I am going to make Paula Deen's Chocolate Bundles this weekend and my dumb ass forgot to get the damn heavy cream. Grrr. She makes some seriously good-looking food on her show! Not helping my diet any though! *giggle*

Ooh, I lost a whole HALF a pound this week. Y-a-y (said with sarcastic tone). Dieting SUCKS ass! :-(

I'm going to go watch some stuff off Tivo before it fills up! :-/ Catch ya later aligator/s! TTFN


Blogger LDR said...

So, what's the deal here... you work with an awful lot of men. Are these "girly men"? Besides the foot thing... there's one more reason I couldn't do your job - scraping crap out from under peoples nails. ICK. You're like practicing for CSI or something, aren't you?!? (involuntary shudder)

Uh huh... I'm absolutely positive that if we lived any closer, we'd be trading cooking for mani/pedi's. I can do my own pedi, it's just so much easier to have someone else do it (they don't have to contort themselves to get at my little toes).

Thanks for all the comments... hope ya'll fare well through the storm... sounds like all you're gonna get is wind & rain though.

24 September, 2005 09:54  
Blogger DenimRose said...

Well the deal is this: I am stationed in the barber's shop next to the men's locker room. So the bulk of the passing trade (quite literally) and the clients in general are men. They get their nails done whilst having their hair cut. Men aren't like us girlies who may go 8weeks or more between cuts. A lot of them go only 2 weeks. They're mostly 60+ too. Most of them are clean people, but the odd couple here and there just gross me out!!

The wind is picking up here and it TRIED to rain earlier, but no sign of anything too drastic just yet. I have moved my car away from any trees just in case. Convertibles wouldn't fair too well with a tree on them! LOL

24 September, 2005 10:00  

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