Saturday, September 24, 2005

Oh scrappy day!

Well I got my butt in gear, went to the post office to send out my Ebay crap, to the bank to pay some checks and stuff into my savings (house fund) account and to plead poverty with the manager and PLEASE *flutters eyelashes, pout lip* can you refund some of the $124 charges incurred due to daycare taking TWELVE days to cash their damn check and it knocking our books off. It kinda worked and he refunded two of them which I guess is better than a kick up the butt.

Called into my local Scrapbook Warehouse store to get a few bits and pieces for a Valentine's layout I have planned on. They had 20% off on their papers today so thought I would make the most of the spare $'s I had. When I got there, I realized they had made a big booboo on their newsletter and instead of last week them having their free make n takes (like the email said), but no, it was this week. It turned out to be a pretty cool one and we made a whole layout!! It was supposed to be for a boy, but I adapted mine to be a cheerleading type theme for C when she was with Upward earlier this year. I put one of the starts of her cheers on there to try and tie it in. I like it. I also got some pretty nice papers for the Valentine's theme I want to work on. I will get some more stuff for that when money permits. The colors are dusky pink, a dark brown that the card I got to match calls "Raisin", forest green and almost black/grey. When I get it finished, I may post some piccies. (Or not) LOL

Home now and it's very quiet in C's room which is odd as my stepkids are here and usually there is SOME noise coming out of there....

K said something cute whilst I was gone...."There's a tomato coming" (tornado). She's only 4 bless her. How cute was that?! LOL

The winds are picking up here: my hair got stuck to my lip gloss coming out of Scrapbook Warehouse! In fact, by the time I got back in the car, I looked like the wild woman of Borneo! LMAO I've moved my car to be away from the trees as I really don't fancy one coming down on my convertible! Hopefully, it won't get to be that bad and we'll just have a few strong gusts and some rain. Watch this space for further reports.

I need some food....LUNCH!


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