Monday, September 19, 2005

Bored, bored, bored

Ya know, sometimes I look at my life and think WTF?! I have a gorgeous daughter, two great step children, and a wonderful, loving, caring, sexy husband. But in all honesty, life sucks sometimes. Now my husband should not read into that and think "Nice, thanks for that!" 'cause babe, this is NOT a dig at you. I am just re-evaluating my life. I've been through SO much crap to get to where I am now, and am still struggling just to keep afloat.

I feel like I am fighting a losing battle at work and sometimes think we would be better off financially if I just threw in the towels, nail files and polishes right now. Now don't get me wrong; I love the people I work with; my regular clients are very sweet and mostly good tippers and the free lunch ain't bad either. BUT, now here comes the crappy part. It's miles from where we live and the gas each day is draining our bank account. The daycare is affordable, but most weeks, I barely cover it let alone make any money. *sigh* I just wonder if I should keep hanging on in there in CASE it picks up. I mean, what if it doesn't pick up and we ended up losing a crapload of money on this venture. Life experience I guess. Maybe until Christmas. If nothing else, I hear the tips and gifts off the clients are great. Take my first pedicure client this week (yeah, I gave in to doing feet). He bitched and whined about the price and said the Vietnemise salon he usually used were cheaper. Well why the f*** didn't he go to them then?? Cause I was conveniently plonked down in his local fancy golf club which he frequented every day. Dude, you get what you pay for and at the CCC, my time is money! If you want to go to the Vietnemise salons, then f****** well go to them. I don't like the way you groaned and moaned everytime I massaged any of my lotions and potions into your nasty feet anyway. Were you getting hard on it dude or what? Eeewwww. Talk about grossing me out. This guy was in his late 70's AT LEAST!! *blurgh*

I digress. Is this what I want for the rest of my life? To be rubbing cream into old men's feet and legs? Or do I just wannna be a stay at home mommy and run a business from home? So many people make their livings on Ebay and the like, so why not me? *sigh* I dunno. I just feel blah today. Until next time....I'm outta here!


Blogger LDR said...

OMIGAWD! I'm thinking that I'd rather be flipping burgers at McDonalds than massaging lotion into an old mans feet. How do you do it without puking, or is it kind of like being a doctor? The gore doesn't get to you. Icky, Icky, Icky! Icky! I'll say it one more time... ICKY!

As for the what to eat for dinner dilemma - check out the Betty Crocker Website... I sh*t you not... LOTS of FAST recipes that are actually very good and easy to cook. Gets you out of a rut and into something new.

If I lived closer, I'd cook for you... just cause you had to massage lotion into an old mans feet... Eeeewwww!

22 September, 2005 10:39  

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