Thursday, September 22, 2005

A little bit of Rita's what I need...

Or should that be Rita is what I DON'T need?! Hmmm. Well the talk at work and everywhere else is this sodding Hurricane Rita. Hopefully, we will just get some heavy rains and winds this far north of it and it should have slowed off plenty by the time it hits. Just be thinking of us. I know it's been hard on folk trying to get out of Galveston and Houston as some of the customers who come into the barbers' shop have rescued their family. One guy said it took him 6 hours to go 5 miles. Hell, even I can walk faster than that! Jeeze Louise! Watch this space to see how it affects us. I'm kind of nervous as we have E's kids over for the weekend and we may get to the point where it's not safe for their mom to come get them. We're not equipped to have them here for much longer than a night or two. *sigh*

Was watching Paula Dean do her thang on the Food Network today and she came out with the cutest phrase. "I've been as busy as a cat covering it up" Having two felines, I found this quite amusing....

The other amusing moment at work today, was T who is expecting her first baby in December; at lunch, she was discussing her birthing partners and how she didn't like the idea of anyone seeing her "bits" exposed etc (my terminology, not hers). She exclaimed "I'm not going to have to get like totally naked am I?" To which one of the male directors J who had been quietly listening and soaking the girly talk up like a sponge piped up "No, but ya might just have to take your pants off!" The poor thing blushed bright red whilst we all burst into laughter. LOL It was very funny. I guess ya had to be there :-P

Had McDonald's for dinner tonight. E was too tired to go grocery shopping afterwards, so I guess another day fighting with the bare freezer and ground beef. I think I will take K's advice and pay old Betty Crocker a visit. Thanks for the heads up on that one!

Got craploads of tv to watch on Tivo. We got through Prison Break, House and started to watch Survivor when his friend C rang. PAUSE. WRITE BLOG. It works for me. We still have CSI Las Vegas, ER (both new season premiers tonight) and countless other good viewing. Not to mention folders full of my British soaps and other programs.

Had some gob-smacking news today (jaw-dropping y'all Americans): my best mate R from the UK whom I have been friends with since Summer 1977, yes, I said 1977, that's 28years...may be jumping on a plane and coming to see me in November. I am really shocked: I'd not heard from her in weeks. She forgot my birthday, our anniversary, my daughter's (her god daughter)'s birthday and SO much crap had happened since she last bothered to contact me, that I'd written her a nasty email saying WHY HAVEN'T YOU BEEN IN TOUCH kind of BS. I think it must have hit a nerve and despite being busy at work and leaving her job and having no net access and obviously forgetting how to pick up the phone or to write with a pen and paper, she finally got in touch. I'll believe it when I see it to be honest, but it would be great to see her.

I haven't made many friends since coming over, and apart from the girls at work I have lunch with, I don't know too many folk here. I have my good buddy M over in Burleson whom I have known for years, but she's at least an hour and a half from me. I've tried not to get too close in case something gets messed up and I have to go back to the UK. Am I being too cynical and negative? I was the same when I moved in with E in the UK. I knew we would be leaving about 9months later, so just didn't really bother. That attitude kind of stuck with me. Miserable old cow I hear you muttering....ahhh shuddup.

Ok, I am going to try and drag E off the phone and get back to Survivor. Laters!!


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