Friday, September 15, 2006

What a trip!

I know, I know, it's been ages since I have updated. Things have been up and down here and issues with work and me almost losing said job due to having a dozy a-hole of a boss haven't helped things.

Cut a long story short, my boss sent me on a very boring training course almost 60miles away in North Dallas and promised to pay me my expenses, hourly rate and lunches. I did the math before he signed me up for it and knew I would clean up.

When push came to shove, he threw a cow when I showed him how much he owed me. He then went on bitching saying that he wouldn't be able to afford to pay me for the rest of the month if he paid me what he owed me. He whined about how bad business had been and how I should be thinking about the secruity of the company. SCREW the company! I WANT WHAT'S OWED to me! I was SOOOOO mad at him. I kept my cool though and he duly paid me what I was owed.

I put forward an offer to him that I take some time off and that would reduce his pay out to me, and would give me some space from him. He agreed.

The good thing for me was that I had a good friend flying over from London to come and visit with me for ten days, so this would wok out well for us both.

Enough about the work saga as it pisses me off just writing about it.

My friend S has flown almost 5000 miles to see me! Woo hoo! We haven't seen each other since the wedding over 2yrs ago and have a LOT of catching up to do!

She flew in on Tuesday evening and when she walked through the glass doors at arrivals, I hugged her (and cried) so hard, I thought I was going to break her back!

So far, we have shopped, eaten out and visited South Fork Ranch. I've already been there, but I knew she wanted to go there. Tomorrow, we're going to the 6th Floor Museum and Reunion Tower. I've been to those too, but we're going late afternoon/early evening when the sun will be going down so we get a different view and some good photo opportunities hopefully.

Sunday we're going to the outlet mall in Grapevine and onto a BBQ at my outlaws for the FIL's b'day.

Monday I think is time to go to the Stockyards. Not sure what the rest of the week has in store, but we are enjoying having girly days out and catching up on all the stuff we have missed out on!

The puppy is getting big. She last weighed in at 26lbs and is only 6months old. Puppy training finishes tomorrow. She has learnt a lot in a short space of time, but still needs more guidance. Or is that me that needs more guidance? LOL

We finally kicked Directv to the kerb after their stupid DVR box quit working for the LAST time. Dish network are now installed and so far, so good!

Anyway, I'm getting off here now. I can't promise when I can next update as it's really nutso this end, but I will try to get here more often. TTFN